Arizona’s Hunt Unit 13A on the Arizona Strip, is home to some of the biggest antlered mule deer bucks in the world and is one of the most sought after trophy mule deer tags in the entire state of Arizona. Unit 13A is the eastern side of the legendary Arizona Strip and consistently produces some of the highest scoring mule deer bucks harvested statewide. The mule deer population and mule deer density in Arizona Strip Unit 13A is very low but the record book trophy quality of the giant mule deer bucks that inhabit this world famous trophy mule deer area is very high.
The enormous area that is the Arizona Strip is not overflowing with mule deer and hunters who are not familiar with this unit can be very disappointed during their hunt here. It is pretty easy to be overwhelmed by Arizona Strip Unit 13A and it’s extremely vast size. Unit 13A mule deer hunters can have a very difficult and frustrating time trying to locate any deer, much less trophy Arizona strip bucks with antlers of Boone and Crockett record book proportions growing out of their head. Arizona Strip Guides LLC is very experienced in Arizona Strip Unit 13A and will help you to fully maximize the incredible trophy mule deer potential that your Arizona strip unit 13A tags offer you. The Arizona Strip Guides Team will use our vast knowledge base and extensive amount of resources that we have at our disposal to make sure that you are hunting the highest scoring trophy Arizona strip bucks that Unit 13A has to offer. Although you may not get to see a whole lot of mule deer while hunting this area of the Arizona Strip, when you do finally see a buck here chances are it might be that giant non typical record book mule deer buck that you have been dreaming about your entire life.
As already stated above, Arizona strip unit 13A can be very tough to hunt but the rewards that it can bestow upon you in the form of giant mule deer bucks can be incredible. A hunt in Arizona Strip Unit 13A can be Arizona mule deer hunting at its best and at its toughest all at the same time. Many all time Boone & Crockett and Pope & Young record book mule deer have come out of Arizona Strip Unit 13A though and many more giant mule deer bucks will continue to come out of this incredible trophy mule deer hunting area for years to come.
There are two separate mule deer seasons that are offered annually in Arizona Strip Unit 13A. The first one would be the early season archery mule deer hunt in Arizona Strip Unit 13A that starts in mid august. We feel that this Arizona Strip Unit 13A archery mule deer hunt is hands down one of the best archery mule deer hunts in the world for a bowhunter to try and harvest a world class mule deer buck. If your goal is to someday harvest a truly giant mule deer buck with your bow this is one of the tags that you need to consider applying for when filling out your Arizona mule deer applications this year.
The next mule deer hunt that is offered annually in Arizona Strip Unit 13A is the rifle mule deer hunt that starts in mid November. This rifle mule deer hunt in Arizona Strip Unit 13A can be a rut hunt for trophy Arizona strip bucks depending on the weather and precipitation that has fallen during the year. The rifle hunt in Arizona Strip Unit 13A starts later than the Arizona Strip Unit 13B rifle mule deer hunt and offers hunters better rut dates. We feel that this Unit 13A rifle mule deer hunt is one of the premier mule deer hunts in the state of Arizona for the rifle hunter who is looking to hunt some of the largest mule deer bucks that are currently walking the face of the earth.
The Arizona Strip Guides Team hunts Arizona Strip Unit 13A annually and our team has produced numerous world class mule deer bucks for our clients in this unit. The Arizona Strip Guides Team is hard at work scouting for the highest scoring mule deer bucks in Arizona Strip Unit 13A year round in order to provide you the client with one of the top choices in premium quality professional Arizona mule deer outfitters available for guided and outfitted mule deer hunts in Arizona Strip Unit 13A.
Please feel free to call or email Arizona Strip Guides LLC and our team of highly experienced Arizona trophy mule deer hunting professionals at any time to discuss your trophy mule deer hunts in Arizona Strip Unit 13A
Call us: 928-239-4161